Communications & Signal processing


Name of FDP/Training Programme

Communications & Signal processing

Internal Benifited


External Benifited


Total Benifited


Outcome of the Event

Sponsoring Authority

Depatment of ECE

To enhance the knowledge of the faculty and to enrich the Research and Development activity in the department a number of professional development programmes has organized by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering. In this regard, a one-week Faculty Development Prgramme on ‘Communications & Signal processing’ held at the department during  29 October -3 November 2018. The FDP was attended by 36 teachers of the department.

The main objective the programme, is to train the faculty on Labview and HFSS software. In the first three days of the programme the faculty members gain hands on experience on programming the LABVIEW software and in the next three days they worked on ANSYS HFSS software.